We are partnering again this summer with Guilford County Schools to present summer music camp opportunities for rising 6th graders through high school.
JUMP AHEAD BAND & ORCHESTRA CAMP - For rising 5th, 6th or 7th graders who are wanting to learn a new instrument. Get a head start on your instrument before the school year! Choose between two sessions: June 21-24 or June 28 - July 1 (Mon-Thur 9:00-1:00). Tuition $150 (tuition waivers available).
RE-BOOT BAND & ORCHESTRA CAMP -For rising 7th-8th grades who have played their instrument for one school year. Keep your music skills sharp and in-tune! Students will receive intensive instruction in both large ensembles and sectionals designed to improve playing skills.Two-week camp, July 12-22 (Mon-Thur 9:00-1:00). Tuition: $300 (partial tuition waivers available).
HONORS JAZZ CAMP For rising 7th-11th grades. This camp is for older students looking to explore jazz music. Students will learn how to improvise, compose music and get an overview of the history of jazz. Two-week camp, June 21 - July 1 (Mon-Thur 9:00-1:00). Tuition: $300 (partial tuition waivers available).
DRUM LINE For rising 7th-9th grades. You need not have any experience just the desire to learn! One-week camp, choose between two sessions: July 12-15 or July 19-22 (Mon-Thur, time TDB). Tuition $150 + $30 equipment fee. Camp will be held at Swann Middle School.
MODERN BAND Rising 7th-11th grades. Two-week camp, July 19-29 (Mon-Thur 9:00-1:00). Tuition: $300. Have you always wanted to be in a rock band? Bring your guitar, keyboard, drum and/or singing talents to this fun camp to rock out!
Location: All camps will be at Ragsdale High School except the Drum Line Camp which will be at Swann Middle School.
Tuition Waiver: We will cover tuition up to $150 for any one camp when you start a new instrument lease for the 2021-22 school year or purchase a new/used band/orchestra instrument. Existing instrument lessees qualify for a $75 tuition waiver when using leased instrument for selected camp. The return of a leased instrument prior to the end of the 2021-22 school year may result in an early cancellation fee.
Transportation: GCS will provide limited bus service from transportation hubs throughout the county. More information will be forthcoming.
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